
Emma Wayne Porter

Emma Wayne Porter

Emma Wayne Porter

Hi there…

I’m Emma Wayne Porter, former Editor-in-Chief of Lyrical Press, Inc. Before falling to the dark side (aka editing), I spent thirteen years writing, and published two novels: one with Harlequin/Silhouette, and one with Samhain Publishing.

Right now, I’m on a sabbatical. I do check email periodically, but am otherwise taking a break from all things internet and publishing. Okay, not all things publishing. I’m doing a little bit of writing. Nothing serious. Yet.

If you check the other pages on the site, you’ll see I’ve provided (or will yet provide) a number of resources for authors. Primarily geared for those either seeking publication or publishing digitally, they’re provided to make the business of writing a little less mysterious.

Some of my favorite authors include Jane Austen, Barbara Michaels, Dorothy Parker, Vince Flynn, and JK Rowling, among (scores of) others. I’ll leave off there, as I’ve been told people don’t like to scroll. And we’d be scrolling for quite some time if I were to list all my favorites.

When I’m not working, I’m reading, writing or doing the family thing. I live smack in the middle of Minnesota with my husband, kids and cats. We’re all into various sports and gaming. Except for the cats, although I’m sure even they could beat some of my Rock Band drum scores.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope to see you over on the blog.

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